Monday, June 30, 2008

Haven't been posting for a while. Time to play catchup.

Since my last post here, I have beaten Metroid Fusion on my Gameboy Advance emulator on my Xbox. I have also put an Atari 2600 emulator and a Commodore 64 emulator on my Xbox. Here are all my emulators so far on my Xbox.

Pcsxbox (Playstation)

Surreal 64 (Nintendo 64) (actually it is a pack of 3 emulators: 1964, Project 64, and UltrHLE)

Vicex (Commodore 64)

Xboyadvance (Gameboy Advance)

Z26x (Atari 2600)

Zsnexbox (Super Nintendo)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Making some progress on Metroid Fusion

I've been playing Metroid Fusion on my Gameboy Advance emulator on my Xbox. I have been making some progress on it. Today I got the Ice Missile and the Wide Beam.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Xbox softmod

A couple days ago I softmodded my Xbox. I used the Mechassault gamesave exploit to install the softmod. Since then I have added other software to my Xbox (all thanks to the softmod). I've put on a Super Nintendo emulator and several games for it. I've put on a Nintendo 64 emulator too and 4 games for it. I even put on a Gameboy Advance emulator and the game Metroid Fusion for it. And lastly, I put on XBMC (XBox Media Center) so I can watch DVD movies, as well as view pictures, videos, and listen to music on the Xbox hard drive.

My intro

Well, my name is Ben and I like science as well as sci-fi movies, TV shows, video games, and computer games. I also like listening to shortwave radio on my computer controlled Icom PCR1000 receiver. And I also like computer programing with Visual Basic. That's all I can think of.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I graduated from South Seattle Community College yesterday.